Dear friends and Supporters, How fast the days have gone by. It is almost one year since our grand opening of our House of Onions home in India. Let us thank the lord for all the graces he has bestowed upon everybody. The Carona virus has continued to get worse in India and it has badly spread to every corner of our villages. Since assuming charge of my new parish two months ago, 14 of the Parishioners have died. Throughout the country this virus continues to take many lives. It is really a tragedy. Every where it is in lock down. Every day more positive cases are horribly spreading. People are afraid that this is how it is going to be in the future.
To make matters worse, in the last 10 days we have endured continuous rains. Crops are drowning in the water. However with God's help. all our kids are doing fine staying with relatives until the government allows us to start up again. Please pray for each of them. I too I am fine in the new Parish and hope and pray that all of you are doing well.
Keep me and our House of Onions in your prayers.
Fr. Y. L. Marreddy